
Tämä on ravitseva kevyt keitto, joka sopii loistavasti myös esimerkiksi paaston aloitus tai lopetusruaksi.

Bielerin keitto

  • 3 kokonaista kesäkurpitsaa
  • 3 sellerin vartta piestalks of celery chopped into small pieces
  • 2 cups (5 dl) string beans
  • 1 cup (2,5dl) parsley
  • 1 cup 82,5dl) water

Put 1 cup (2,5dl) of pure water into a stainless steel pot. First steam string beans for about 5 minutes, then put in the celery and zucchini. Steam for another 5 minutes. Take care not to over cook.

Now put the vegetables into the blender with the parsley and blend until liquefied. You can add ginger, herbs, cayenne pepper, himalayan salt, olive oil or garlic to season.

Zucchini chips

  • Zucchinis
  • Salt
  • Olive oil
  • Pinch cayenne pepper
  • Paprika spice

Cut zucchinis in slim slices, add some salt, olive oil and spices. Mix well and let it marinade overnight in the fridge. In the morning set it into dehydrator for about 2-5 hours. Eat the chips as they are or with a soup.